President's Message - Summer 2013

Summer - 2013
President’s Message
In June the Madigan Foundation provided support for the annual Madigan Army Medical Center (MAMC) graduation ceremony – this year involving 175 individuals in 34 accredited programs from Pastoral Care to Social Work Services to clinical Medicine. Among named prizes, the Madigan Foundation Research Award was presented to LCDR Monica Lutgendorf. Through the generosity of COL Robert Lehman, an annual award was initiated in memory of his wife, COL Janice Lehman, RN. This year it was presented to CPT Michelle Burson, RN, a member of the Emergency Room staff. She was elected by the graduating residents to recognize with gratitude her   notable contributions to their experience and education. As always, this joyous annual milestone was celebrated with families, friends and MAMC staff.
In August another milestone event was the eighth annual Gamble Memorial Lecture to recognize and remember Madigan Foundation’s Founding Member – MG (USAF) Jack Gamble. The lecturer, selected by R&D and GME staff, was Dr. Christian R. Macedonia ( a former “Madigan-ite” now a program manager at DARPA) who presented: “True North – Science and Service in Challenging Times.”  This was an extremely informative and inspirational overview of advanced research with implications for Armed Forces medical activities.     
At a retreat in June, your Board reviewed substantial progress to date: the increased number and scope of its charitable programs, its future direction and, because of work-load, its growing need for additional administrative support – believed to an inevitable requirement presented by growth and responsive engagement with identified needs consistent with mission. It was decided at its July, 2013 quarterly meeting to appoint an ad hoc committee to pursue this matter further and to develop options to be presented for action at its October, 2013 meeting. (More to come.)  
Previous goals to expand programs for Pediatric Services (made possible by the Foundation’s successful first-ever fund raiser in May) were reaffirmed. These include: Strollers and Car Seats, Vision Support (free glasses for children with special needs), Young Heroes Awards and Scholarships, Behavioral Health Program to assist worried children in grade schools, e.g., six on JBLM plus two child development centers, expanded dental screening for grade school children of military families (all schools on JBLM), and child care vouchers (so parents can receive needed counseling on post).
Some Board membership changes are noted. We were saddened to loose two members: RADM (Ret) Bob Whitney facing pressing additional responsibilities and Heidi Singh who has moved to another community. A new slate of officers was elected at the July Board meeting: President: Al Buck; Vice President: Terri Baker; Secretary: Mike Petty; Treasurer: Glenn Raiha;  Assistant Treasurer: Wynn Hoffman; President-Elect: Les Burger.
Above all, we sustain our reputation as a trusted recipient of funds – gifts, memorials, and bequeathals. You – our friends and members – have every reason to be as proud of and grateful for our Madigan Foundation as I am to support identified needs helping MAMC and needy military families.  Thank you! We welcome your comments and suggestions.
Respectfully submitted,
Al Buck