Stroller and Car Seat Program

The Stroller Program (later becoming the Stroller and Car Seat Program) is the charter program of the Madigan Foundation. It derived from early personal charitable efforts of MG Jack Gamble (USAF) whose interest and experience led to the establishment of the Madigan Foundation.

The busy obstetrical services at Madigan Army Medical Center (MAMC) have always been associated with urgent requests to assist needy young families – especially those with multiple births. The program has been dynamic – addressing various State-driven regulations concerning transport and neo-natal safety. It has been largely administered through the Social Work Services located in Waller Hall (JBLM) with consulting input from the Nursing Department, MAMC and collaboration with AAFES.

Complementary efforts have included the provision, on request by MAMC, of custom, specially built transport devices for young, post-operative orthopedic patients. Recipient families have always included all uniformed services. Over years, dozens of families have been assisted.

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